w: mothervvolf

via lactea suxisti sicco

lupita: little wolf
mercedes: mercy

Motherwolf: In this metaphor, the Motherwolf represents a primal, nurturing, yet ferocious aspect of the universe. The wolf, as a symbol, often conveys wildness, instinct, and a deep connection with nature. As a "mother," this figure embodies the idea of creation and nurturing, but with the fierce, protective qualities of a wolf. This could be seen as a representation of the raw, untamed forces of nature and existence that both create and sustain life.

The Breastmilk of Chaos: This phrase further enriches the metaphor. Breastmilk, as the primary source of nourishment for a newborn, symbolizes life-giving sustenance. However, qualifying it as "of chaos" introduces the concept of primordial, unstructured, and unpredictable energy. In Spare's system, 'chaos' is often regarded as the source of all potentialities, the undifferentiated force from which all things emerge and to which they return. This chaotic energy is both the source of sustenance and the essence of creation.

Kia: In Spare's philosophy, Kia is a concept representing the absolute freedom of being, the vital spirit or ultimate self which is beyond the dualities of the material and spiritual world. It's the state of existence in which the individual's consciousness is not just aware but also directly experiencing the fundamental unity and interconnectedness of all things. The Motherwolf, in this sense, could be seen as a guardian or a guide to accessing Kia, offering the chaotic, primal energies necessary to transcend ordinary reality.

Integration of the Metaphor: Combining these elements, the Motherwolf as the breastmilk of chaos feeding Kia can be understood as a symbolic representation of the process of tapping into the primal, chaotic energies of the universe (represented by the Motherwolf) to nourish and realize one's Kia, the truest and most expansive state of being. It implies a nurturing yet transformative process, where one draws from the very essence of chaos – unstructured, raw, and powerful – to awaken the deepest aspects of the self.
Author: _g
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